
Denotation and Connotation
The difference between denotation and connotation is that denotation is a signifier which means that it is what we are provided with ,example : A red rose would be a denotation. However a connotation signifies the denotation, it is also known as the moral/meaning behind the denotation. The example of this would be the red rose signifying love and affection. So connotation in this case would be love.

Rule of third

Rule of third is a theory in which the visual view of the setting of a shot looks more appealing compared to a basic shot without the use of this method. Rule of third includes lines and portions so that the main characters are within these boxes or them lines to catch audiences attention automatically.

35mm is closely mirror to human eye

Types of shots

Long shot ( full body)
Establishing shot (establishes the location)
Close up (no shoulder -neck and hair)
Medium long shot (knees upwards)
Extreme close up (cutting into face)
Cut in shot (cuts in close up)

Tripod parts

Panning/tilting handle

Ways of moving camera

Hand held

180 degree Rule

Its a basic rule that two character should stay left and right relationship to each other. When the camera crosses the axis connecting to 2 subjects. It is called crossing the line. This is when the 180 degree rule has been broken. We can break this rule in some circumstances such as if the background was to be focused on the other side.

4 Main factors of analyzing

1. Camera
Shot -sizes
Angle- lens 
Focus - where is it? does it move?
Camera movement

2.Mise en scene
Special effects
Movement of actors/props (craft)
Connotation and denotation

Diegetic -Characters in the scene can hear (Dialogues, footsteps ,doorbell )
Non Diegetic- Only the audience can hear it (Voice overs, music )
Sound effects-Spot fix-explosions, atmospheres  tracks etc.

How you make meaning putting two things together?
-Cuts, dissolves, fades, transitions
-Rhythm & pace e.g. upbeat/energetic fast cuts

                                    MEDIA MAGAZINE -ISSUE 30/DECEMBER 2009

Reality TV show- Britain's got talent

Talk show (arguing, debate & fighting over emotions)
It exploits success of local news due to everyday new storylines and drama making the business of advertisement raise in vast amounts.
Creative and economic response to a crisis going on within broadcasting
Reality genres has huge impact on other kind of factual genres.
It focuses on drama and entertainment conflict
We as audience are attracted to the hybrid nature.
Emphasis on deep emotions which can relate to audience in reality everyday lifestyle.
Appeals to mainly young viewers
About time ago there was a fact tat women tend to like reality shoes more then men as it is traditional women genre of soap opera however the genre has developed over past 10 years it is appealing to both sex's now men and women.
The reality show also represents classes such as poor and rich.
Responses often emerges as moral arguments and highlights a fear that something new can threaten current state of the quality television.

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