Friday 3 October 2014

Genre -Dystopian thriller

Dystopian thriller-always has a political message/moral.
 Target audience-As the hunger games and divergent are films of this genre, it already has a set audience who are the book fans. Also the film will appeal to those who enjoy action in the fantasy scifi world.
The age group would be teens and young adults-around 11-25.The demographics maybe young teens of working class parents and young adults who are middle classed and working class.

Expectations of the genre representations-We would expect to see some kind of action and mystery behind the dystopian.

MISE EN SCENE - The characters would wear unusual costumes to reflect on the world and condition they are in. Also they would involve props that do not necessarily relate to our lives. This idea of unrealistic world is supported from the use of special effects for example In the hunger games in the action scenes a lot of effects were used to exaggerate the actions taking place like the fights.
The bow and the arrow is used as a weapon by the Katniss Everdeen and this signifies her bravery and courage which fulfils the role as the main character in a dystopian thriller. Also breaks the stereotypes of hero seen as a male character. Therefore this would engage the feminist target audience.
EDITING-It would contain lots of cuts to create sense of fast and unrealistic action, which is not physically possible. The tones in the film are dark which suggests mystery and illusion of danger.
Sound-It will use fast tracks to build the feeling of thriller and action within the dystopian. There are both diegetic and non- diegetic sounds such as explosion or voice-overs to convey the thoughts inside the characters mind.
Camera-This genre consists of wide shots in order for the audience to get familiar with the location of where the scene takes place due to the fact  that we’ve never seen or experienced this world before.

Premilinary Exercise