Wednesday 12 November 2014

My response on what can i do better?

In order to improve my work further i can check my work before i publish it onto the blog this will make sure that there are no spelling errors.Also i can give more example that relates to media terminology rather than just stating the what is there already.I need to be more clear about the links between genre and narrative.This will make the work appear much more professional. Thankyou

Friday 3 October 2014

Genre -Dystopian thriller

Dystopian thriller-always has a political message/moral.
 Target audience-As the hunger games and divergent are films of this genre, it already has a set audience who are the book fans. Also the film will appeal to those who enjoy action in the fantasy scifi world.
The age group would be teens and young adults-around 11-25.The demographics maybe young teens of working class parents and young adults who are middle classed and working class.

Expectations of the genre representations-We would expect to see some kind of action and mystery behind the dystopian.

MISE EN SCENE - The characters would wear unusual costumes to reflect on the world and condition they are in. Also they would involve props that do not necessarily relate to our lives. This idea of unrealistic world is supported from the use of special effects for example In the hunger games in the action scenes a lot of effects were used to exaggerate the actions taking place like the fights.
The bow and the arrow is used as a weapon by the Katniss Everdeen and this signifies her bravery and courage which fulfils the role as the main character in a dystopian thriller. Also breaks the stereotypes of hero seen as a male character. Therefore this would engage the feminist target audience.
EDITING-It would contain lots of cuts to create sense of fast and unrealistic action, which is not physically possible. The tones in the film are dark which suggests mystery and illusion of danger.
Sound-It will use fast tracks to build the feeling of thriller and action within the dystopian. There are both diegetic and non- diegetic sounds such as explosion or voice-overs to convey the thoughts inside the characters mind.
Camera-This genre consists of wide shots in order for the audience to get familiar with the location of where the scene takes place due to the fact  that we’ve never seen or experienced this world before.

Premilinary Exercise

Sunday 28 September 2014

The God Father

The opening of the film started of with a plain dark screen with a non diegetic music that only us audience can hear but not the characters within the film.The film opens up with a close up shot of a man who is introduced and appears to be the main character at first.The character starts to define his situation with a very high tone of voice revealing his emotions in confidence without any hesitation.He tells about a storyline or personal experience of his daughter having a boyfriend and was beaten up due to the rejection of not having sex.As he discloses his emotions the shot of the camera is moved backwards-trackback making his position in the camera smaller.Also his confidence tends to be lowered comparing to the start of the film,these features emphasise his lower position in the scene.As he is speaking the camera moves to a over the shoulder shot,this is a dirty single.The new character moves his hand in order to command his workers to serve the first character a drink, automatically two hand from each side of the shot appear to serve water and help him.This also reassures the power of this hidden character that has not yet been shown.The dull lighting also added a great touch to the cold unpleasant environment and how world was for them.
After the first character had finished talking about his daughter he stands up in silent and the camera then reveals the second character who tends to be in control of the situation.The dialogue of the characters also emphasis their positions in the situation.The second character says 'I'll give you anything you ask for' this tells us that he is eager for justice of his daughter.He is standing up at this point showing that he is really beneath the main character.The main character (God father) is playing with a kitten,stroking it gently.His hand soft gestures perhaps suggest his soft heart and caring personality towards innocent creatures just like the other characters innocent daughter.

The use of third in this shot also makes the visual of the dark setting look more appealing then the Godfather being in any other position.He is on the left side of the line dividing him and the setting into 1/3.
They talk front to front about the relationship they have,and suddenly the camera cuts in to a close up shot of the character holding onto God fathers hand and then kissing it,the close up shot suggests the importance of their relationship with each other.
God father then holds the character close in his arms and walks from left to right ,the camera continues to follow both characters to keep up with their conversation.Towards the end of this opening God father tells character that it was the day of his daughters wedding,this similarity of the two characters sharing different experiences of their daughter makes thier relationship bond tighter.

Friday 19 September 2014

Children of men

In the opening of children of men there is no focus on a specific character as there is no main character introduced at first.The shot is a middle shot where you can see everyone's shoulders in a crowd perhaps this is to show the atmosphere and sum up the entire society's expressions on the whole,we get to see bunch of people in the cafe looking tensed and upset watching the news on the TV which is digetic. This builds the suspense of what's the bad news causing  unpleasant atmosphere.The clothings of everyone presented in the cafe are dull and cold colours which reflects onto the lifeless environment.

After this the camera focuses on the a man walking in to the cafe whiles everyone else is still watching the horrendous news of murder.He tends to have a different gesture then the rest of the people in the cafe. he orders a coffee (which is used as a prop in this opening) and watches the news with a mysterious expression which has no empathy to it.The camera continue to follow him whiles he walks out of the cafe. The angle of the camera moves to the location from the actor,this is to introduce us to the location.The place that this shot takes place is in London we know this because there are red buses in the background which allocates the sign of the location straight away.The medium shot now becomes into a long shot continuing back to the actor without any jump shot.The actor now waits at a spot where he takes out a bottle of alcohol and pours it into the coffee,during this shot the camera focuses on the scenery at the back.The dull colours sums up everything making everything similar however suddenly there is a couple in the background along with many people on the street doing their things.The couple wearing bright colours catch our attention straight away,the bright colours also link to their happy life as they were looking jolly in the dull atmosphere.the couple was placed at that position by purpose as the bomb explosion takes place at the exact spot.Everyone disappears the the loud pitch noise increases the existent incredible and horrifying event that takes place.The main actor runs away just like others citizens in the area in order to secure their lives.Overall the opening was excellent it had great small element put together to create the sense of shock and emotion that producers and directors are aiming for.